Content Authoring apps
April 12, 2023
Support for installing the app into a Contentful Space with an existing Content Model.
Content Authoring apps
February 12, 2023
Various performance enhancements and bug fixes.
Content Authoring apps
December 15, 2022
The new Octana Contentful app allows you to:
Export and Import any content within or between a Space or Environment
Site Map Editor to bulk edit the IA and metadata
Content Authoring apps
June 30, 2022
The new Editor Mode allows you to:
Direct access to the Page, Page Content and App Layout from any page
new Inspect mode to drill down into components
preview draft/changed content in the live site
June 17, 2022
Ability to create Docs pages with sidebar navigation
Component update
June 17, 2022
Ability to create Docs pages with sidebar navigation
Component update
May 17, 2022
2 column masonry gallery layout added
Improved modal UX / UI
Component update
Apr 22, 2022
UX / UI change - hover states introduced to improve usability. "As a user, I can hover and click on a slide to change the primary content"
Icon field added
Description field added
Tab body field added
Learn more accordion UI added
Mobile responsiveness improved
Development update
Jan 21, 2022
When the website is first loaded, the page for the URL that was requested is rendered to HTML on the server. Once the React/Next.js framework is loaded on the client, the page is re-rendered transparently to give it full interactivity and function mostly like a regular React app from then on - this is called hydration.
The first time a page is rendered on a client browser it’s safe to assume that React components have been rendered twice: First on the server-side, then again during hydration on the client-side.
Browser: requests Page by URL
Server (Express): Caching layer determines if the page has already been rendered. If a cached page exists it is returned and the request ends.
Server (Next.js): App component data is initialised
App getInitialProps requests the App Layout from the App Content Handler API
Content Handler: App content entries are fetched from CMS Provider
Server (Next.js): Page component data is initialized
Next.js: Page getInitialProps requests the Page from the Page Content Handler API
Content Handler: Page content entries are fetched from the CMS Provider
Content Handler: Entries collection is sent down the Entry Filter pipeline
Content Handler: Entries collection is pruned and returned to the client
Server (Next.js): App component is rendered
Server (Next.js): Page component is rendered
Next.js: Page content is iterated and CMS Components are rendered as React components.
Server (Express): Caching layer caches the rendered HTML, and returns the HTML to the browser.
Browser: Renders the response.