
Octana + Cloudinary

Easily optimise images & videos to increase page load times without compromising quality. Deliver high-quality responsive experiences.

cloudinary image



How it works

The best experience + the best performance

Image and video content can significantly impact your website performance. Octana will use Cloudinary to dynamically provide the best-optimised version of your image or video content for the customer’s individual device, without degrading the content visually.

Deploy to Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform or self-host.


Group 37

Why it matters?

  • No more optimising content images before you add them to the site.

  • Upload the best quality version of the image.

  • Octana will use Cloudinary to handle everything else.



Ready to learn more?

All it takes is 30 minutes to see how Octana will help you crush your KPI's and objectives.

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