Octana Contentful app



The purpose of the Transporter feature is to allow you to reuse, relocate, and duplicate content without doubling your workload. Transporter allows you to gather vast quantities of content, whole pages, or even entire sites ready to export and apply elsewhere.


Use Cases
  • Export content to then import into another part of the same Contentful Space / Environment. You can choose to import as new or overwrite existing content. Imported content will always be unpublished, so you can check it before you Publish. This is used to recreate similar content quickly and with more granular control.

  • Export content to import into a different Environment or even an entirely different Contentful Space / Environment (assuming the Content Model matches). This is used for getting substantial new content ready in a non-production environment and then essentially allows for granular "content releases" to the production environment, once you are ready to Publish.

  • Export content to the Media library in Contentful to create a library of re-usable content to share with all content authors that can be imported later to quickly create new content.

  • Backup content before making major changes.


Key Features: Exporting content

From any content entry, you can click on the Export button in the sidebar to launch Transporter.


There are several View Options in the sidebar to help you choose which content to include in the exported file.

  • List or Tree view

  • Simplified content names - Toggle this on/off to show/hide the Content Type label.

  • Show content fields - by default when you select the entry, all fields will be included, however, you can optionally turn this on to select only specific fields.

  • Max reference level - change this value is to help with deeply nested tree structures.


There are several Export Options in the sidebar.

  • Export Linked Pages - This is turned off by default. Please turn on this option with caution, as it will potentially export a very large file, and could hit the API limits of your Contentful Space, depending on your plan.

  • Save to Media - Toggle this on if you want to save the exported .zip file to Media in your Space / Environment. This should be used for the content you want to re-use in this Space / Environment, as well as share with other content authors. If you want to move content to another environment or space, you should make sure this is off and it will download the .zip to your computer.

  • Exported filename - this will have a default value, but you can change it to whatever you would like.



When you have selected the content you want to export, and chosen your Export Options, click on the Export button. Once completed, if you have chosen to Save to Media, you will have a link to view the exported file in the Media library. If not, you will see a .zip file in the Downloads folder on your computer.




From Octana MapMaster use the search to find the pages you want to export. Select the pages and choose the Export button from the actions panel at the bottom of the screen.

Transports How To Export Multiple Pages


Key Features: Importing content

If you have an entirely new Page (or Pages) of content to import, you will want to do this from the Octana home. Click on the Home tab, and click the "Start Import" button in the top right.

Octana Contentfulapp Transporter How to Import from MapMaster



If you want to import some content into an existing Page (or any other content type), you can do this from the Octana sidebar in any content entry screen by clicking on the Import button.





You can choose to import from a .zip file exported to your computer, or from the Media library.





You can choose which field in your content entry to use as the destination for the imported content.


Choose the main content to import.


You have the same view options as export to help you find and select the exact content you want to import.

If the content already exists, you will see a warning Exists in Target, and the default option, Import as new, will be turned on. If you do want to overwrite the existing content, then turn this off.

Under Import Options:

  • Bulk change import entries as new - this is the most common default setting, but if you want to turn this off, then all existing content will be overwritten with the content you are importing. Remember, this will be imported with the Changed status, and you still have the option to check it after the import before you Publish.

  • Import linked pages - this is turned off by default, however, if you do intend to import all the linked pages to the main content you are importing, you can turn this on. Please use this option with care, as you could unintentionally import content that you didn't intend to.

When you have finished your selections, then click on the Import button.


If you have content where you have selected Import as New you have the option to bulk rename the entries. This is highly recommended, as the Name field for content entries has to be unique. If you import as new and don't rename the entries, you will have to rename each entry before publishing.


All your imported content will be tagged so you can easily find this. If you are importing from the side bar into an existing entry you should now see the imported content in Draft or Changed status ready for you to review and publish. If you are importing from Octana home you will be able click through to view all the imported content in the Content tab.
